Clinic Services
Our clinic is proud to offer a wide variety of services in order to help you through all stages of your pet's life.
Physical examinations are an integral part of keeping your pet healthy. They are a fundamental component of preventative medicine, which allows the veterinarian to assess for small changes in your pet before they may become a major problem. All of the pets who visit Hart Family Veterinary Clinic, will be examined in a thorough, yet gentle manner.
Annual exams are recommended for each pet, regardless of age and species. Often, senior pets will require twice yearly check-ups. Pets with chronic medical conditions ie. diabetes, kidney/liver disease, may require check-ups on a more frequent basis.
The veterinary examination process is extensive, encompassing all major areas of the body. Using auscultation, palpation and percussion, examinations are completed under the direction of an experienced veterinarian. During annual examinations, Dr. Fuller or Dr. Gagne will assess your pet’s eyes, ears, body condition, heart, lungs, temperature, skin condition and teeth. There will also be time to discuss your pets’ nutritional needs and any other questions you may have regarding your pets’ overall health.

Family pets should be up-to-date on necessary vaccinations in order to live long, healthy lives. Most vaccinations are quick, pain-free and provide protection from common diseases such as Parvo, Distemper and Kennel Cough. These diseases are contagious and can be prevented with proper vaccination schedules.
Regular, scheduled vaccinations for puppies and kittens are extremely important in order to prevent illness and disease. Young animals have immature immune systems and vaccinations are a primary factor in preventing unnecessary illness. Were you aware that indoor cats can be susceptible to disease even if they do not go outdoors?! At Hart Family Veterinary Clinic, we will recommend a vaccination schedule specific to your pet’s lifestyles.
The following reproduction services are offered at the Hart Family Veterinary Clinic Ltd.:
Progesterone Testing
Artificial Insemination (AI)
Semen Collection
Ultrasound and X-ray to confirm pregnancy
Xray can also be used to count puppies/ kittens -
Orthopedic Foundation of America (OFA) X-rays
If you have any questions about our reproductive services our staff would be happy to help or book a consult appointment with Dr. Fuller or Dr. Gagne.

Nothing feels better than clean teeth! Pets, like humans, suffer from a number of dental diseases. Our staff can assist you in ensuring your pets’ gums and teeth stay healthy.
Dental disease can lead to problems elsewhere in the body, including the heart and the kidneys. These diseases can be prevented by proper oral hygiene, which may involve brushing your pets’ teeth, as well as dental procedures performed by veterinary staff. Do not worry if you are not comfortable brushing your pets’ teeth! We will do our best to support you with this if needed.
Prophylactic dental care at our clinic includes:
full oral inspection- including probing teeth for pockets, cavities, gingivitis and other abnormalities
dental x-rays
scaling and polishing the teeth
removal of painful or infected teeth
using nerve blocks in order to decrease pain and discomfort
There is a sterile surgical suite within the clinic, designed to provide routine surgical procedures for your pets. The procedures we provide include:
Sterilization (Spaying and Neutering)
Dogs & Cats
Tattooing, microchips
Lump Removals
Laceration Repairs
Dental Procedures
Abdominal Surgeries
Hernia Repairs
Dewclaw Removals
Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO)
Most surgeries are day surgeries. That is, your pet(s) would come to the clinic when we first open in the morning, and then go home at the end of the day. In-house blood-work and a full physical examination are performed prior to your pet being placed under general anesthetic.
Prior to, during, and after surgery, your pet will be placed on intravenous fluids and monitored with a specific anesthetic device used to measure blood pressure, oxygen concentration in the blood, the rate and rhythm of the heart, and core body temperature.
Our clinic employs Registered Veterinary Technologists who will assist with all of our surgeries. We will provide your pet with the care it needs before, during and after surgery. Your pet will be recovered under supervision, and you will be called with an update as soon as they have woken from anesthetic.
Please remember that you can always call at any time while your pet is in surgery if you would like an update from a staff member!

Internal Medicine
Internal medicine is the practice of determining what is wrong with your pet, and coming up with a solution to the problem. This begins with a thorough history from you, the pet owner, along with the results from the physical examination, x-rays, blood-work and/or ultrasound.
Following graduation, Dr. Fuller completed a Small Animal Internship in Internal Medicine and Surgery at the Atlantic Veterinary College. This experience has allowed her to be more comfortable when dealing with complicated medical cases.
We also worked alongside different veterinary specialists, including those who specialize in surgery, internal medicine, cardiology and radiology.
Diagnostic Tools
The following procedures can be performed at Hart Family Veterinary Clinic Ltd.:
ECG or electrocardiogram: records the rate and rhythm of the heart
Complete Blood Count: measures bone marrow function, by checking how many red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and other blood cells are produced in the body
Chemistry screen: checks kidney and liver enzymes, as well as electrolyte abnormalities, some pancreatic enzymes and even the hydration of your pet
Blood pressure monitoring: blood pressure is very important, affecting many systems of the body
Fecal analyses: includes fecal floatations for parasites and specific testing for Giardia (also known as Beaver Fever)
Urinalyses: analyzes urine in a comprehensive manner, looking for blood, infections, abnormal cells, glucose, proteins, and crystals
Cytology: allows for analyses of cells from different types of skin tissue
Digital radiography
Dental radiography

Even though our clinic may appear small in size, specialized diagnostic equipment is still available! Digital (computer generated) x-rays provide our team with the best-quality digital imaging to help make accurate diagnoses.
X-rays are routinely done to check for possible internal diseases involving the chest and abdomen, and also for mobility problems, such as limping and arthritis.
Dental radiography is also available with a small, separate x-ray unit. This unit is designed to take dental x-rays of your pet while he or she is under general anesthetic. This allows the veterinary staff to look for fractured teeth, tooth root abscesses, and cavity-like lesions. It also enables the veterinarian to make important decisions on which teeth need to be monitored more closely during future appointments.
In House Laboratory
Our clinic comes equipped with a laboratory area where our Registered Veterinary Technicians can run blood-work, fecal samples and urine samples. We are also equipped with other medical equipment, including a microscope, that helps to diagnose skin and/or ear problems.
Basic laboratory testing is a crucial aspect of all veterinary care. It not only helps to determine if your pet’s body-systems are functioning at a capacity that allows him or her to be placed under anesthetic, but also what steps or procedures are needed in order to treat your pet(s) in a safe manner.
Biopsies, cultures and semen evaluation are just a few of the services we are able to provide in our laboratory. For further information, please contact our office with any questions you may have.

Ultrasonography (also referred to as ultrasound) is one of Dr. Fuller’s special interests. She especially enjoys doing both cardiac and abdominal ultrasounds. Ultrasound is a great diagnostic tool for looking at specific details within vital organs of the body. While x-ray gives us a general picture of what is occurring, ultrasound is able to provide us with even more information that is often necessary for diagnosis and treatment.
Ultrasound can be used to evaluate a number of organs, including the:
small intestine and large intestine
prostate gland
Once images are received and reviewed by one of our veterinarians, they can easily be referred to specialists, including veterinary radiologists and cardiologists if needed.
Retail Store
Our retail store includes everything you will need in order to provide for your pet including:
grooming products
dental products
We are also proud to provide all of our clients access to our online store for easy ordering that arrives directly at your door!